Zakia Afaque Islamia College, Siwan, Bihar
Academic Feedback Form

Name of the Student
Email ID
Name of the Teachers
Name of the Department

For each item please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement by choosing a []Score between 1 and 5. A Higher score indicates a stronger agreement with the statement.

1The Teacher cover the entire syllabus
2The teacher discusses topic in detail
3The teacher possesses deep knowledge of the subject taught
4The teacher communicates clearly
5The teacher inspires me by his/her knowledge in the subject
5The teacher punctual to the class
7The teacher engages the class for the full duration and completes the course in time
8The teacher comes fully prepared for the class
9The teacher provides guidance counseling in academic and non‐academic matter in/outside the class
10The teacher encourages participation and discussion in class (Teacher‐Student, student‐student )
11The teacher encourages and values disagreement
12The teacher uses modern teaching aids/gadgets, harldouts, suggestion of references, PPT, web resources (Any other)
13The teacher Pays attention to academically weaker students as Well
14The teacher relates the course material with real world Situations
15The teacher's attitude toward the students was friendly and Helpful
16If any other remarks